hey everybody, vapeologist here with a reviewof the pen vape the atmos raw. i am just getting into pen vapes right now and have tried threeor four with varying success rates, but all of them are at least passable vaporizers.or atomizers. or cartomizers or whatever. all of them have only accepted liquids orconcentrates, so the atmos raw is the first designed for ground flowers and leaves. iwas hoping that someone would put out an herbal vape that worked, and atmos other liquid concentratemodels work from good to great, so my hopes were high. this thing comes packaged well, and includedis a 510 style battery, a ceramic herbal heating chamber, and cooling mouthpiece. there isa cleaning brush and stirring/packing tool,
and a wall wort usb charger, which could bean issue in some locations, a one foot cord would have been nice... atmos;s vapes have a great feature that allowyou to turn off the button so its not accidentally pressed in your pocket, purse or backpack,so we click it five times to unlock it. this vape uses a metal heating coil at thebase of the ceramic chamber. it looks like it get pretty hot, because it does. unfortunatelythis vape isn't really a vape. the metal wire gets way too hot and you will combust yourherbs every time. the spring that sits in the mouthpiece jams your herbs right on tothe wire. i tried using it without, then nothing happened at all..no combustion, no vape, nothing.see how they come out blackened, and there
is even a bit of white ash as well. its a shame because this is a nice lookingvape, that is built very well and seemingly has a good design. the price isn't that bad,and it seems like it would be pretty durable. the 510 style battery fitting is nice, youcan add other batteries in an emergency. the warranty isn't great, but its a pen vape sothat is normal. if this was marketing as a pipe, well theycrushed it. its a great subtle piece if you want to smoke herbs, but if you only wantto vape, you will want to stay as far away from this thing as possible. herbal pen vapesjust aren't there yet. this one isn't even close. if you want a pen vape to use withflowers or leaves, you're gonna have to wait
a little longer. the technology is evolvingrapidly so it won't be long.