i'm quite proud of the home, but i must giveall of the credit to my wife, jean. she happens to be a graduate from georgiatech and has a phd in architecture. when she did her phd thesis on contextualism,alot of those principles went into this house and she teamed up with a well-known architectjova/daniels/busby and they do both commercial work. there was an idea to be modern, but there'salso an aspect that like being moderne as well so its a combination and uh, it has alot of custom features to it. a spiral staircase that's 5 stories createdup in wisconson. when you're in the back yard looking up and you see a 5 story curtain wall.of course the curtain wall is a 5 story glass
structure, so you have the mullians, the specialglass put up so there was a commercial contractor and manufacture who fabricated this 5 storycurtain wall. we have a 4 story elevator. there's all customcabinetry... hundreds of thousands of dollars that went to that custom cabinetry as welland it was created up in michigan too. we wanted lots of natural material used withinthe house, but we wanted a modern building. we wanted to have a lot of natural materialsused throughout the house, so you'll see that there's oak floors throughout the house anda lot of natural materials, stones used in the flooring in the kitchen, again all customizedbrought in from other parts of the world, but i think it adds a softness to the modernhouse as well.
it has latest hvac system so it is highlyenergy efficient. it has that nice combination for entertaining of a lot of space, there'sa lot of deck space outside, there's some capability of seating a lot of people inside,but there's also i find nice pockets of intimacy. well, again i'm sure the buyer of this housethat they are going to get a modern home that has a lot of integrity, architecturally verywell thought through, located in an outstanding neighborhood and really a lot of love andthought went into this, this was a culmination of creating a dream house and it has beena dream house for us and i know its going to be a dream house for you as well.