interior decorating ideas

interior decorating ideas

hi, i'm ann myrick, and today i'm going toshow you how to choose a color scheme to work with. what you want to do is try to look atthe room, look at the area. what it--wherever it is that we're going to be working, lookand is there already something there. is there something you already have to use, so thatwill have to be taken into consideration, but really it's wide open. i'm a decorator,and i love working with what people have. i tend to love color on the walls, but i alsotend to like, at times, i am very monochromatic, in i love, like this is one of my rooms, andyou will see a lot of wood and dark and brown. i just tend not to--i really like the calmnessof having a lot of natural texture, a lot of natural wood, but not a whole lot of brightcolor in certain areas. now, in a play room

in a certain area, i might like the zippycolor, but like in this room, i like using the neutrals. i love using all the naturaltextures. this is a color that i really would say is not a good color to work with especiallyon the wall because i think it turns out fleshy. this was--this color was here before i gothere, and so these walls will be changed to a more neutral color that is softer. thisis a little bit fleshy for me, but what i do in working with a color scheme is whatcolors do i like, what colors really interest me, what things do i have that i have certaincolors in that i can pull out. an example is i have this chair, and so this chair hasgreens in it, whites in it, orange, yellows in it and reds in it, so you can really pullout a few colors and work with it. but what

i don't like about a color scheme is a lotof times people will stay just with that color scheme and, you know, things that shouldn'teven be colored, they put in the colored scheme like i really don't like colored me, colored--there shouldn't be colored candles. it should just be a natural, don't buy a red candle. buy just a neutral candle, and try to be careful that you don'tover kill your color scheme. this is ann myrick, and that is how you choose a color schemefor rooms.