hi everyone! it's emmy. welcome back. today i'm going to show you how to make this: slime! and you only need four ingredients. so let's go into the kitchen and i'll show yoooooou how we made it! so i got this recipe from the ultimate book of kid concoctions, and this is called gooey gunk. so i only had one bottle of glue on hand so i halved this recipe. so begin by emptying an entire bottle of glue into a bowl, and then fill up the empty bottle with water. add about 8 drops of food coloring. we decided to make purple so we added 4 red, and 4 blue. cap the glue bottle, and give the water a good shake to rinse out the glue,
and then add that to your bowl of glue and food coloring. give everything a good stir. so in a bowl, add 1/2 cup, plus 1/6 cup of hot water. to that we're going to add 2 teaspoons of borax, and then you're going to stir until it's completely dissolved. then comes the fun part: just pour in your glue mixture into your borax solution and you'll start making slime. so pull out the gunk, and give it a good knead and you're ready to play! i also experimented to see if this would blow bubbles, and it does!
look:polar bear prints! yeah! those are nice -- you can actually see his claws. look! ooh, that's pretty deep. look.... looks cool! grasshopper! grasshopper? okay. hi grasshopper.
oh that's cool! look! you can see his abdomen. that's awesome! so i have to say, i'm going to be trying some other slime recipes, because while this is stretchy, and fun it's a little... brittle for me. but yeah! it's a really fun concoction still, but not quite the consistency i was looking for. i'm going to try out some other recipes as well, so look for those in the future. at any rate, this stuff is really fun stuff. my son really enjoyed stamping his animal toys into this, and we talked a little bit about prints and tracks.
so yeah! there's lots of room for exploration and learning. so let me know in the comments below your slime advice; favorite recipes; favorite memories, favorite smells; textures... let me know -- because i wanna know more about slime. i used to always buy this at the gumball machine when i was a kid -- you know, 50 cents and you get a little piece that could glow. this costs about... like a dollar? a dollar fifty? so, definitely economical and tons of fun to make and to play with. all right, happy crafting!
see you next time, bye!