amazing honey uses as a home remedy,look! honey surprising uses honey is great as a sweetener, but betteralso as a way to cure. it can be used to treat wounds and speeds healing. it's greatfor the hair, moisturize the skin, helps in digesting stomach, and can be used incough syrups. for medicine, the best is raw honey whichit was not heated. the liquid form is more easy to use. here are some ways to use honey: 1. wound healinghoney can be used to heal wounds and
burns, for its anti-inflammatory propertiesstimulating the immune system. the honey decreases inflammation, redness, theswelling and heat. reduces pain and speeds healing.just spend honey on the wound and let it dries. repeat until heal. 2. mask for appealhoney is a powerful natural element moisturize the skin. unlike oils,it prevents the skin from getting greasy. prone skin acne can also be benefited withuse of honey due to its antibacterial properties. just apply a thin layer of honey on your face,and let stand for 30 minutes. then rinse and dry.
3. natural shampooif you want a shampoo, all natural to wash the hair, try dilutinga tablespoon of honey in 200ml of water. this shampoo prevents oiliness, treats dandruff,keeps the hair moisturized and adds shine and smoothness. 4. cough syrupmost syrups, need sweetener. instead of using sugar, optthe honey. honey soothes the throat and helps drawinflammation naturally. you can also add lemon or ginger. 5. adjust the intestinehoney acts as a mild laxative that facilitates
bowel movements.just add a tablespoon of honey and vinegar mace in a glass of warm water and drinkin the morning. 6. improves digestionhoney is a good remedy for digestive problems as heartburn or ulcers. it regulates the secretionof gastric juices, while its effects anti-inflammatory help to heal and replacethe digestive mucous membranes. you can consume before meals.furthermore, it can be used to prevent and treat progressive liver problemsand gallbladder. 7. help sleep betterhoney consumption improves the quality of sleep. besides being rich in vitamins, minerals andessential fatty acids, contains sugars
that increase insulin levels and produceserotonin. this hormone is related the humor, and provides feeling of relaxation. enjoy this video? if you liked the video,short, join the channel and share with your friends.