hi! i’m sarah and i’m here at extra careanimal hospital, and on behalf of expertvillage.com i’m going to tell you a little bit aboutowning a lovebird. as far as getting your bird used to bathing goes, some birds willstartled the first time if try to just spray them with water or take them into the shower.once again, birds are creatures of habit and anything new they need to be introduced toslowly. as far as doing the spray bottle goes, you can start your bird off by getting a spraybottle and just pointing it away from the cage. as far as getting them used to the spraybottle goes, if your bird startles the first time you use the spray bottle directly onthem, just get the spray bottle and leave it sitting outside your bird’s cage allthe time. then once or twice a day, pick the
spray bottle up and spray away from your birdscage, that way it gets them used to the spray bottle moving around and the noise of thewater actually coming out of the spray bottle. do that for 3-4 days to a week, then startspraying in the direction of the bird not directly on the bird. this will get them alittle more used to it and maybe a little bit of the mist will hit them and they’llget used to the sensation of the water. do that for a week and then at that point they’llprobably be used to. it won’t scare them too badly and they’ll actually end up enjoyingit. once again, birds are creatures of habit and anything new they’ll sometimes be verynervous about. as far as getting them used to taking them in the shower, you can taketheir cage, if it’s small enough or put
them in a travel cage, and take it into thebathroom with you when you shower. do that for a few days to a week just like you didwith the spray bottle, then move the cage closer to the shower. then eventually, afterdoing that for a week, most likely take the bird into the shower, and put it either onthe shower perch or on the towel bar. at that point, your bird should be comfortable withbathing and you have a bird that’s going to take very very good care of it’s feathers.